
hidden inside

What do you say

When you know they won\'t listen

How do you break the news

Without hope of acceptance 


3 inch thick kevlar, that\'s how

Been putting up walls

They ain\'t never coming down

No bullet shall strike me again


The most horrible feeling

Is when you want to to tell 

The ones you love the most

But are met with silence


Pitying looks,or judgemental stares

Both are expected 

But they still hurt

Just once I wish


My filter could turn off

I could say what I want

I won\'t gatekeep my opinions 

You\'ll know who I am


You want me to be brave

But my childhood taught meekness

You wanted me to be strong

But now you call it defiance 


You want me to be under a man\'s control

Because he is my leader, I am under him

You say have children

As many as possible


I can never tell you the truth

I am never getting married

No man will control me

I will live by myself, far far away


I don\'t want children 

And I\'m asexual

But that too

You can never know


As soon as I turn 18

I\'m getting out of here as soon as I can 

Going to a really big city 

With bad boys and girls


We\'ll party the night away

I wont feel trapped

I\'ll know I am free

When you walk out the door


The things I will never tell

The ones I really just can\'t 

Are what define who I am

My values, ideas, opinions 


Whatsoever you disagree with

Shall all be hidden inside

And you will never know me

But funnily enough I dont care