Nicole Pritchard

Regret and Pain

How am I so stupid
I broke the heart of a man 
I love with all my heart 
By being stupid
Not realizing the pain 
I was about to cause
By my own selfless act
I caused us both pain 
He is my entire heart and soul 
All that I am is because of him
How could I be so stupid
He is my entire soul 
I want to show him 
How sorry I truly am
I regret it all 
All because I love him 
I will spend every day 
Proving my love for him 
He is my everything
I want him to know it every day 
how much he means to me 
I was the stupid one 
That caused all of this 
I just want for him to forgive me 
All the pain that i caused him 
Fills me with so much regret 
He didn\'t deserve that 
I do truly love him 
He is my everything
I want to make him see 
He is all that I want 
I want to fix everything 
Regretting every single moment 
Has me feeling lost 
Without him by my side
I will never want to see that pain again 
He is my everything 
My heart and soul isn\'t complete
Till I\'m forgiven once again