

Returning to play she\'s had serious game 

Since relinquishing undeserved portions of blame 

Says she don\'t feel herself looks exactly the same 

The girl on the verge of my life 


Took the world on her shoulder and held down the fort

When still singed from being burned by a kangaroo court

Sailed away in her mind drifting past every port

The girl on the verge of my life 


She had trust in abundance profound her respect 

His assault on her senses was swift and direct 

A flamethrower to the heart he had sworn to protect 

The girl on the verge of my life 


In a star\'s twinkling shadow she\'s trying her best 

To get rid of the traps now she\'s shot of the pest 

Can\'t connect to admirers with young in the nest 

The girl on the verge of my life 


She\'ll appear now and then throwing life given style 

Over others who haven\'t embraced in a while 

When she offered an inch I had snatched at the mile 

The girl on the verges of life