Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Veil can’t understand what Hannah Ardent means

“Things do not know

What humanity means


Veil can’t understand

What Rousseau means

What Adem Smith means

What Kant means

What Hegel means

What Hannah Ardent means

What Benthem means

What John Rawls means

What Nancy Fraser means

What Hobbes means


Veil can understand only

The Sharia, the Quran, and the beheading ideology



Hate does not know

What love means


Jihadi does not know

What rationality means


Hamas does not know.

What Israel means


Muslims do not know

What Jewish means


Islamic ideology does not know

What life means


Violence does not know

What peace means


Lies do not know

What truth means


Injustice does not know

What justice means


The Sharia does not know

What rationality means


The Quran does not know

What life means


Mohammed does not know

What Karl Marx means


Khadija does not know

What Hannah Ardent means


Allah does not know.

What Albert Einstein means


Things are things from birth to death.

Humanity is humanity from birth to death.


Nazis are omnipresent.

Nazis are omniscient.


Nazi is our Mohammed

Mohammed is our Nazi.

Khadija is our Nazi.

Nazi is our Khadija.

Baby Nazi and Baby Mohammed have the same DNA.


I lost my son Stanford to Dr.Josef Mengele, Khadija, Mohammed, and Allah in Germany.

I lost my first baby to another Hindu Jihadi in India.

Jihadis determine our lives and deaths.


Jihadis are everywhere.

You go to Colombia, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, and LSE everywhere. Jihadis”