


Tell me something I know, 
I would listen again.
Wishing I could mislead my mind ,
From the road where it all began.

Delusions of togetherness, 
I once worshipped and embraced.
Whiplashed by the aftermath, 
My soul gravely impaired.

Yearning for an ounce of solace, 
I\'m ashamed of my own doing.
Built myself a fairyland, 
Only to watch it burn to ruin.

Befriended my harsh fate, 
In memories I\'m often drowned.
Amid an abyss of darkness, 
Lost but never to be found.

Clouded by gloomy thoughts, 
Burdened, lonesome I grew.
Dwelling in a bleak world, 
Painted in the shades of blue.

Like a dove sans its beloved mate, 
I find myself perplexed and forlorn.
Lost in a storm of uncertainty, 
Adrift, by the winds I get blown.