Muse Gong

Fly by Muse Gong


By Muse Gong


I want to fly like a bird,

gone with wind to see what I can see to sing what I want to sing.


I want to fly and landed on Himalaya sitting on top as a table,

Having a cup of cappuccino in my right hand,

and having my poetry book in my left hand,

and take a deep breath to compose this poem.


I want to fly like hummingbird backwards and forward,

up and down into the space,

to see the wonder of the multicolor of the universe.


I want to fly from the deeper space back to the Earth,

Wondering and lingering like a kite to see the cooking smokes and the little river running around the backyard of my house.


Finally, I want to mix with all the birds and make a lot of noises to make our life full of energy.