Joakim Bergen

Lost Love

Oh, you fragments of

Life eternal, you fall

From yon so high, wherefrom

The Godhead gazes impassionately

Upon us. What a piercing, cold gaze

It is; oh! the ages bleed crimson, the

Death, God-given? scatters peoples

Upon the sandy shores of Time-Eternity.

For whom shall I weep, when the night

Turns granite, and stars, like gold, rain

From up above? Father! Heed my cry!

Oh, dearest light, All-Light! I am nude

Before you - innocent and pure! Summer!

The flowers, your children, grow listless

Under the shadow of your love; and I

Alike am burn\'d and spent, a lonely ghost,

And soul-less I trudge thru the corridors

Of Winter\'s forests, cold and deep. Such is

This lovelessness, this Winter of Being,

Which gnaws at flesh an\' spirit; sleepless,

In the darkness, I collect tears as jewels,

Diamonds of memories long lost in the

Tender fog. How distant now April, May;

How dead the once lively, colorful days

Of childhood now seem, and how cruel

The days weigh on my eyelids; far too

Tired am I to reminisce, and far too afraid

To step forward – so I stand twixt the dark

An\' light, loveless and alone…