Comma of our love

I described our love as a comma,
Never ending, a promise of future moments,
A book of adventures that couldn\'t end,
As long as that little mark was there,
Our story couldn\'t finish
The chapter couldnt finish,
Our love couldn\'t finish,
Until you added a full stop.
Lies. Deceit. Cheating.
All words that aggravate a circle of despair
A barrier that i couldn\'t escape.
I loved our kind of love,
A kind I\'d never felt before,
Wings had grew and i sawed above,
The freeness of flight,
Released the freedom of our love,
I became blind.
Naive like icarus,
To focused on this new feeling,
The wind rushing past me,
To notice the burning sensation of betrayal.
Everything slipped away from me,
Like the wax off his back,
Sending me crashing and burning,
Screaming and crying,
With no more ways out.
You\'re full stop ended our life.
My full stop ended my life.