
Eternal Springs: A Tribute to Enduring Creativity

In the realm where wisdom\'s rivers flow,

Beneath the tree of knowledge\'s bough,

There lies a spring, serene and still,

A fountain deep, of youthful will.


Mind\'s the basin, talents the spray,

Creativity, the endless day,

Its waters kiss the heart of time,

In every age, in every clime.


Brimming with stories yet untold,

In its depths, mysteries unfold,

Each ripple, a new idea\'s birth,

That spans the length and breadth of Earth.


Embrace the gifts that you possess,

Your talents, dreams, your sweet caress,

Nurture them with love and care,

In your life and those you share.


The lives of those you love and know,

In the fountain\'s gentle flow,

Reflect the shimmer of your light,

In their hearts, you ignite a flight.


With every touch, with every glance,

You imbue their world with a dance,

A melody so soft and sweet,

Age and time, you subtly defeat.


Tap this source, let it flow,

Defeat the age, let yourself glow,

Therein lies the fountain\'s lore,

A mantra whispered forever more.


With every sunrise, every moon,

May this rhythm be your tune,

In the mind, the talents, the love,

You\'ll find your youth, the skies above.


No magic potions, no eldritch spell,

Just a truth that we must tell,

The fountain of youth, in us resides,

In the mind, where love abides.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf