

I feel alive when I sit by the sea, as both fabrics and waves ripple. The zip on my jacket interacts with the ferocity of maritime gusts, creating a muffling noise that blocks out the unintelligible chatter. Mesmeric is the tidal effect, washing to and fro. Sunbeams piercing a heroic formation of clouds, showcasing the cracks by way of illuminating a darkened landscape of crashing and falling.

It\'s peaceful here, like a mother cradling her newborn, rocking back and forth, to the hum of a gentle lullaby. The harmony of the universe is felt in such a maternal act. 

Preparing to enter this world, we are fed, nurtured and protected, as the hearts of our mothers beat in unison with such a feeling of safety. The consistency of this loving heartbeat connects us to the cyclical nature of all things. For once a growing baby in the waters of womb. There exists now a man feeling forlorn in a society of brothers and sisters in divide. Through his second nature, this man sits by the sea.