Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Raise, raise, raise...

Everywhere, slaughter in civilized Israeli land

Slaughtered blood of Israeli toddlers

Slaughtering the blood of Israeli children

Slaughtered blood of Israeli girls

Slaughtered blood of Israeli elders

Slaughtered blood of Israeli women and men

Beheaded blood of Israeli toddlers


Everywhere carnage

Carnage the blood of Israelis

Carnage the blood of Jewish people


Everywhere massacre

Massacre of Israeli families

Massacre of Israeli homes

Massacre of Israeli communities


Everywhere, gang rapes of Jewish women

Everywhere, gang rapes of toddlers

Everywhere, gang rapes of Jewish girls

Everywhere, gang rapes of Jewish women

Everywhere, gang rapes of pregnant women


Everywhere, Jewish pregnant women were slaughtered, killing mother and baby


Lethal weapons were born 1,000 years ago.

Without a brain, without humanity

Without heart, without kindness

Without human identity, without mercy

Without rationality, without human status


Things born 1000 years ago

Without a brain, without humanity

Without heart, without kindness

Without human identity, without mercy

Without rationality, without human status


Machines born 1000 years ago

Without a brain, without humanity

Without heart, without kindness

Without human identity, without mercy

Without rationality, without human status


Barbarians born 1000 years ago

Without a brain, without humanity

Without heart, without kindness

Without human identity, without mercy

Without rationality, without human status


Barbarians born and died with barbarian religion

Barbarian religion is a lethal weapon.

It weaponized the practitioner.


Beware of barbarians; beware of barbarian toddlers.

Beware of barbarian men and women.



They invaded our democratic spaces.

They invaded our free spaces.

They invaded our lands.

They invaded our homes.

They stole our girls and women.


They stole our lives.

Dark Age has risen

Barbarians are established in our societies.

Raise, raise, raise, raise


Today Israel

Tomorrow you


Already, they invaded my home and made me a victim.


Raise, raise, raise,

Strong borders, strong walls, strong spirit against the invasion of Mohammed and Khadija.


European or Western asylum camps are Jihadi centers.

Protect your life, protect your land, and protect your toddlers.”


Never again, July 4 or October 7.