Mystery\'s Creation

Just What is Poetry?

Just what is poetry

Tantamount to mystery

A long forgotten entity 

Interspersed with memory

A genre in which to confess

What one has yet to express

Issues yet to be addressed

With those that we wish to impress 

Just what is poetry

Is it,to the enth degree

The exercise in futility 

As a novice that You thought it\'d be

Just what is poetry

A scrambled mass of word debris

A nonsensical anthology

For the laymen and the scholarly

That which beauty\'s the epitome of 

That which we embrace,as if a lost love

That which we ponder forever it seems

That which has only existed in dreams

Just when we think the last line has been penned

We put pen to paper amd write once again

So what is poetry,I\'ll ask one more time

And while You are thinking,write at least one more line

That which is either free verse or rhyme

But,as of now,I\'ve concluded mine