

You do something for me, I’ll do something for you,  

Transaction breached; kindness cannot continue. 

Transaction resolved, you’re my friend once more, 

Try not to contravene like before.  


Breached again, this time, I will not regress, 

For you, there seems little or no progress. 

You don’t just get kindness; you earn it young man! 

I don’t care what you’ve been taught by your clan! 


What happened to that young fool? 

The one who couldn’t live by the kindness rule? 

He died by suicide, alone in his bed. 

No one around him the police said.  


Every chance given, he pushed it away, 

Kindness after kindness he would betray. 

Eventually, the world tired of trying to assist, 

And preferred to act as if he didn’t exist.  


It became known after his death, 

He grew up with a mother who was on crystal meth. 

Didn’t have a good start, no start at all. 

Dodging punches, amidst brawl after brawl. 


Hardened his heart, trusted few, 

Always suspicious of any human virtue. 

Certain kind acts warmed him on a cold night, 

Giving him, a moment’s respite.  


So, in his lifetime, I suppose glimmers appeared, 

In the shape of humans who volunteered, 

To help in that moment, judgements aside, 

With much needed comfort that kindness can provide. 


Behind every act of unkindness is a story, 

But most of us fail to do an inventory. 

For the world is set to see words such as ‘bad’, 

And dismiss a hurting, lonely lad. 


Universal Love does not ask for a return, 

It asks that we understand instead of spurn. 

Every facet of this world is blocked by endeavour, 

No time to consider the struggles of whomever.  


A sandwich, a smile, a moment of seeing, 

The wretchedness of that suffering being.  

Beyond the decay of the clothing or behaviour, 

Is a soul who desperately needs, our favour. 


To The Person Who Feels Completely Alone and Misunderstood 

“I see you”