

In a world so vast and wide, he stands alone,
A boy engulfed in sorrow\'s mournful tone.
Loneliness, a faithful, haunting companion,
His heart aches in melancholy abandonment.

An empty echo, through the corridors of life,
The heavy burden of solitude, a piercing knife.
No kinship, no solace, no kindred soul to find,
He walks amidst the shadows, lost, undefined.

Witnessing joys of others, like rays of sun,
But for him, despair\'s abyss, his heart is undone.
The stars, mere distant fires, flicker above,
Mocking his plight, from the heavens they shove.

In his fragile heart, rains eternally pour,
A symphony of tears, a cry forevermore.
Aching emptiness, bitter winds that blow,
Tangled in the sorrow, he yearns for a hand to hold.

In solitude\'s embrace, he calls out, desiring release,
Yearning for a companion, to bring him peace.
But the world remains silent, an empty soundscape,
His loneliness a haunting waltz, an eternal ache.

Yet, in his depths, a flicker of hope still ignites,
For within his soul, a resilient spirit fights.
Though sadness engulfs, a seed of courage is sown,
To find connection in a world where he\'s known.

Through tears that fall like rain, he learns to believe,
That somewhere, there\'s solace, a reprieve he\'ll receive.
The sadness may linger, but hope shall not fade,
For in his lonely heart, a fire is stayed.

And so, he walks with aching steps, but true,
Knowing one day, his loneliness will bid adieu.
Until then, a solitary figure he may be,
But the boy with a lonely heart forever longs to be free.