The urge to go dark stays on my mind. I could be an asshole if that\'s what I want. I\'ll always choose to stay in the light, but have the potential, so don\'t even try! 


I talk to myself; give me pep talks. It\'s necessary to keep me aligned. I understand if you think I\'m nuts; but don\'t try to tell me how to live my life! 


You think my healing\'s a walk in the park? Listen my friend, it\'s taken my life. It makes me laugh when I hear you talk: \"if she\'s a healer, then why is she mad?\" You wouldn\'t grasp it, even if you tried, your brain is too small and I don\'t have time.  


You just don\'t you get it! I do what I want; you have no control on how I react. So if you happen to see me act wild; mind your own business, it\'s taken a while.