
everyday sicknesses

stand in the bathroom
and gaze at the red tinge
as it drips down my fingers
and goes down the drain

loving the cold stone
the gray heart in my chest
i mark up the flesh
and then mark it again

i seek a love
that\'s obscene like a murder
your hands on my throat
i caress your blonde hair

smiling against you
your eyes rolling backwards
my teeth sink in deeper
draw blood from your neck

two days till blastoff
the mind starts to wander
the jealousy bubbles
it\'s with me for life

questions and answers
and dancing like madness
the corrupter is back
and he looks just like me

i am a god
devoted, evangelist
all in one body
the skin starts to rip

lover of women
i dream of the old ways
where devils like we are
would get killed for this