Dev Parth

Secret of the Stone Garden

In the heart of twilight\'s gentle hold,

A stone garden stands, weathered and old,

Its secrets whispered through the years,

In tales that conquer both hopes and fears.


Each mossy stone, a guardian of the past,

With secrets hidden, a spell they cast,

They bear witness to love\'s tender touch,

And moments when hearts yearned for much.


In the shadowed corners where memories reside,

The secrets of the stone garden bide,

Ancient echoes of laughter and tears,

Etched into stones throughout the years.


But the greatest secret this garden keeps,

Is the love that in its stillness leaps,

For though the stones may keep their guard,

Love\'s memory within is forever charred.


So, wander through this garden, if you dare,

And feel the secrets that linger in the air,

In the hush of twilight, you might find,

The deepest secrets, the ties that bind.