

Are you filming this, for possible publication,

me reading poems that go no where,

stay right here on the planet,

like, or as if somebody

or unity planned it,

the plan to net us all together,

get us spinning at twenty-four thousand miles per hour,

shower us with showers, flowers,

wall flowers, put us up against that wall,

make us call out and show our true colors,

grit is it,

you and I both know it, it is the thing

that all animals have instinctively,

do not go gently,

what\'s behind the curtain,

with a certain authority,

\"I\'m not in any hurry.\" to find out,

why would one be, in joy, in heaven,

in love, in lust, in an instance we see

this moment as eternity in the middle of a pause

for the cause of

letting you catch up

to the rest of us

riding this train.