
Citizens Celebrations

Tune: Monks Gate

(\'He who would valiant be\')

Revelation 21 v.1-4


A new heaven and new earth

God shall bring to birth

John saw holy city

All new, bright it be

New Jerusalem, see

Descends from heaven free

As bride for her husband

There joys without end


God\'s people made citizens

Of heaven, He sends

His Son for our salvation

To Earth\'s each nation

This be our hope to come

Our everlasting home

With God for evermore

The eternal shore


And God\'s tabernacle be

His dwelling place, see

He with them shall e\'er stay

Through perpetual day

And He shall with them be

From thence e\'erlastingly

He shall be our God, we

E\'er His people be


Old things, they shall pass away

All gone, we shall say

For God shall wipe away

All tears in that day

And there shall be no more

Death nor sorrow, \'tis sure

Nor crying, no more pain

Only good remain