Real Rhyme

Whispers of temptations


In shadows deep, where danger looms,

A cautionary tale, as daylight glooms

Drugs may whisper, their promises sweet,

But down that path, pain and ruin meet.


A toxic path, where dreams decay, 

As substances lead our lives astray

Once in  their grip, it\'s hard to break free,

From chains of addiction that bind and seize.


The highs they offer, so tempting and bright,

Are but fleeting illusions that cloud our sight

Behind the Euphoria, darkness resides,

A life unraveled, where hope slowly slides.


The heartache it causes, the tears it brings,

Can shatter families, and silence sings

A future stolen, a promise denied,

As addiction\'s cold grip tightens its tide.


Innocence lost an trust  betrayed,

In the  realm of drugs, no one is saved

So let us stand strong, united and wise,

Reject the temptation, and reach for the skies.