
Here’s Your Two Bloody Knocks (A Ghost’s Response)

“If there’s anyone there, make your presence known!”

I hear their all-familiar tone,

interrupting my question session,

of whether I should be, in ascension,


with the others, my greyness grows,

centuries retell me of my woes,

those alive, should not be here,

with their bleeping modern gear,


in my silent opinion, they waste their time,

but for “views”, it’s not a crime,

though, if they wish for my reply,

I’ll leave no part, I’ll make them cry,


in their torch, I am “demon shadow,”

is what they call me, being shallow,

they turn back around, nothing’s there,

but I’ll return, to make them care,


in frustrated grasp, I break planchette,

to make them scream, to make them sweat,

then I get back, to my own quest,

to see if I’m hell’s, or heaven’s guest,


but still they choose to investigate,

to make in me, transparent hate,

thus, on cold spot, I maketh choice,

from other side, I raise my voice,


now they become, the quiet ones,

as I now sing my creepy song,

“you had the chance, to walk away,

 if you want me, then I shall stay!”


One tap for “no”, two for “yes”,

I do the latter, to possess,

here’s your two bloody knocks,

I’m now inside you, tying knots!