Meera Mere

A Night without stars

Standing barefoot on the dead soil, gazing at the blue

With the fantasy of wishing on a shooting story

But stars don\'t twinkle anymore

Clouds don\'t rumble anymore

Trees don\'t dance through cold breezes

Heavens don\'t grieve anymore

They are used to all the afflictions,

but I abnegate


I read a book \"A human that used to be\" it read

Birds used to fly it said and I believed

The world was once amiable but I doubt

But it will never go back, it finished

Some pseudonymous words it spelled, \"beauty, love and poetry\"

But even granny expounded it unbeknown.

Books don\'t quench the inquisitive, they intensify it 

And I fell prey.


Humans are selfish a bard scribed

No they are just fearless another one condemned 

But I don\'t have right to dissent, so I guard the quietude.

My mind eludes through different shades of greens and browns.

Amidst steel, I long for birds and a home that used to be.

And then I lose the train of thoughts coz after all I am nothing but steel.