

We assume we know a person. 
By the side he decides to show us. 
For your parents, you are an intelligent
child. For your friends, probably you are
a happy person. For your spouse, 
you may be an ideal husband or
wife. It\'s just that they know you by
what side you show them. For few
people, you are a sad , negative person.
You probably just cry and complain to them
probably hurt them too. But in reality nobody knows
you completely. The idea of a soulmate might look
good in books or movies where you 
can be lost for hours, but actually there
is no soulmate. Nobody knows you completely
because they haven\'t been you. They haven\'t been 
through the struggles, the lonely nights, hurt you faced, hearts broken, the potholes on your journey.
So, one day probably , while sitting on a bench you
will realise that the soulmate is nobody, but you, yourself. And you were busy wasting years looking 
for him in other people. Meet him. Meet her. Marry
that little tiny bird. Listen to what he speaks. Don\'t make him wait. And love him before it\'s too late.

- Sahil Dhobale.