The Fife Wanderer


Embarking on a journey like no other, a lengthy, emotional, intrusive journey.


A rollercoaster full of emotional twists and turns.


A feeling of judgement, are you suitable to be parents?


The decision is outwith your control.


The wait is almost unbearable.


And finally -



We are going to become parents.


The matching process did its magic, followed by a special delivery.


A knock at the door and a hand-delivered envelope, our soon-to-be beautiful daughter\'s story had arrived.


Over and over, day after day, your story was read. There was no doubt in our minds, we were going to be your Mummy and Daddy.


From the day you entered our world, our life changed forever, filling the void we once held in our hearts full of love.


Adoption has given us the life we dreamed of for so long, a life that nature could not.


The magical bond our family now share will never be broken.


The key to your forever home comes with an eternity of unconditional love.


We will nurture, protect, guide and love you with every inch of our being.


Life has given us a precious gift.


That gift is -