
Second Chance

What are you up to now?

Where have you gone?

I miss your radiant smile

Lips glistening in the sun.


Have you thought about me?

Just once over the years?

I\'ve thought of you

Through all my dried tears


It\'s hard to find purpose

I have little to give

You never had that problem

You knew how to live


Is it all my fault?

That you\'ve gone and ran?

If only I could try again

In another place

Have a second chance


You brought light to my life

You were my escape

Gone now, I\'m far away

I\'m left with bitter hate


I don\'t like the mirror

It reflects nothing

Just a worthless husk

I can\'t feel anything


Won\'t you come back?

If only for a little?

And bring in that light

If only a flicker


Is it all my fault?

That you\'ve gone and ran?

I\'m so helpless without

And so tired

I just want a second chance


I\'m losing myself, finale

23 years wasted

Giving up is the easy bit

Losing you, same can\'t be said


Why did we have to grow up?

And go our seperate paths?

I\'m lost without a reason

I just want to go back


I sit here in isolation

Hugging a loaded nine

In my thoughts is reason

And you by my side


Is it all my fault?

That you\'ve gone and ran?

I miss our innocence

And that warmth

Give me a second chance


Is it all my fault?

That you\'ve gone and ran?

I\'ll do better with life

I promise I\'ll try

I need a second chance