
Remaining Rock

Tune: Wareham

(\'Jesus, where\'er thy people meet\')

Psalm 46 v.1-5


God is our refuge and our strength

He will help us now and at length

A very present help is He

In trouble, comfort to you be


Therefore we will not fear, e\'en though

Earth be removed and mountains so

Be carried into midst of sea

Howe\'er wild, chaotic it be


Though water roar and be troubled

He peace o\'er the storms rage has called

And mountains may shake, upheaval

But the Lord God be our Rock all


There is a river whose streams shall

Make glad God\'s city, we do tell

The holy place where He does dwell

His tabernacles we know well


God is in midst of His city

She shall not be moved, but firmly

Remain, and God shall help her give

Early, at dawn, and she shall live