Muse Gong

Birds Singing

Birds Singing

by Muse Gong


In the early morning of the backyard,

I heard the chirping of birds, and the color of fish bellies appeared in the east.

The earth woke up to the singing of birds, and a day began amidst the gentle stream of birds’ song.

The morning birds’ chorale was filled with vitality in anticipation.


A couple confides in their sweet admiration, and various birds sing in harmony and delicately.

Suddenly, the eagle invaded their territory and there was a complete silence.

Just after the thrill, I was still hesitating.

A Magpie gently landed in front of me eating breakfast, and our eyes met.

It shared a little bit of croissant crispy and flew away with a gentle sound, saying thank you and goodbye.


At noon, the chirping of birds is noisy and lively, and it is the rhythm of work.

After the epidemic, it has returned to a busy state, and the twitter of birds suddenly appears enthusiastic.

They are busy with their work, searching for food and exchanging arguments.

I sing beautifully when you sing, and I fantasize more when you sing with floral accents.

They exult, clamor, and frolic, releasing energy to sing and dance for joy.


This is an international top vocal competition, and you are all outstanding contestants competing.

I have heard the most prominent main melody - the singing of nightingales,

the melodious and beautiful natural sounds of lyrical sopranos,

the singing of kingfishers like Baroque echoic arpeggios and tremolo, colorful and unpredictable.


I have heard the chirrup inner voices of sparrows, light, heavy, slow, and urgent.

I have heard the digital bass of crows, restrained, raised, and stuttered,

The brilliant display of the colorful bird song segment.

Amidst the heavy rain and the mournful cries of loss, the singing on the withered vines and old trees, the dancing of seagulls and waves in the sea,

the echoes of birds choral in the empty mountains, I heard the prelude climax.

The enormous legendary bird outside the highest Clouds roared in the sky: Ah!


I am not judging, every little bird sings from the bottom of their heart.

Each note is the golden sentence of this symphony, co-presenting this grand song of spring.

As the sunset sets and the night gradually approaches,

the melodious choir of birds at dusk repeats itself.


The curtain of a fulfilling day slowly falls,

and the peep of birds by the side is the pastoral song of the fishing boat singing at night.

Birds return to the forest at night to enjoy the tranquility of the evening.


The poet heard the lingering sound in the bird song,

the politician in the bird song couplet remembered the struggle, the musician in the bird song received inspiration,

and the environmentalists recorded the bird song symphony.


In the chirping of birds, I feel the pulse of the times,

in the utter of birds, I experience the breath of nature,

I listen to the rhythm of the song of the earth, and I experience the rhythm of the call of life.

Birdsong is the echo of our way of life.


Ah. I suddenly realized, isn\'t this the meaning and value of bird singing that I can\'t understand for a long time?


Birds Singing Enjoy!