
Love Is...

Love is when you talk on the phone until the morning,
and then you sing her a goodnight song in a whisper,
even though the sun is already showing its rays
and the new day began its dance
in an established rhythm dictated by obligations.

Love is when you watch silently
how she looks through the books you bought for yourself
and you see that her face light up,
because she realizes from the book title that it\'s one for her,
she looks up and with the joy of a child asks, \"For me?\"
and you tell her that you don\'t know
until she reads the dedication.

Love is when you during a phone conversation
hear the cry in her voice
and you immediately run to her,
even though she assures you that everything is fine.

Love is when life brings down a sea of problems
on her weak back,
so he clings to your chest crying
and asks why you do all this for her and support her,
and you lift her chin, look into her teary eyes
and answer, \"Who will, if I won\'t?\"

Love is when the two of you part,
so after two hours something nice happens to you
and you run to her again
to share the good news with her,
because joy is greater when you have someone to share it with.