

In the rooms of life, secrets dwell,
Stories whispered, never to tell.
A house, a heart, both hold treasure,
Awaiting souls seeking life\'s pleasure.

Inside our homes, a consciousness we weave,
A symphony of memories, laugh and grieve.
Each room a chapter, a sacred space,
Where life unfolds, at its own pace.

The entrance hall, a welcoming embrace,
Where echoes of love, laughter, find their place.
Through sturdy doors, we venture forth,
To discover rooms of boundless worth.

The kitchen whispers tales of nourishment,
Where flavors mingle, in warm contentment.
From hearty feasts to simple fare,
The table holds stories, memories to share.

The living room, a sanctuary of rest,
Where souls converge, connection blessed.
In cozy corners, conversations flow,
Soothing hearts with friendship\'s glow.

The bedroom, a haven, a private retreat,
Where dreams take flight, in slumber\'s sweet.
Within these walls, we hide and mend,
Restoration found, to hearts we tend.

And then we find the attic\'s space,
Filled with trinkets, memories encased.
Old photographs, forgotten tales,
Unearthed treasures, history unveils.

As homes hold stories, so do we,
Rooms within our souls, a trinity.
In our moments of quiet introspection,
We find the truths, our own reflection.

The room of courage, where fears collide,
Inviting growth, on life\'s bold ride.
The room of love, where hearts entwine,
Creating bonds, eternal and divine.

And in the room of dreams, we soar,
Imagination\'s realm, forevermore.
Ideas bloom, visions take flight,
In this sacred space, shining bright.

So let us listen, to what rooms say,
The lessons offered in their unique display.
For in these chambers, we find our key,
To living lives abundant and free. (\"Rooms\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.