
Rise Above: From Fool to Sage

Once a fool in folly\'s sway, I strolled astray,

Substance and spirits, my chosen way,

Lost in vices, blind and cruel,

I found pleasure in playing the fool.


Matured and wise, I tread anew,

Leaving behind the intoxicating brew.

Curiosity and inspiration, my new friends,

As down sobriety\'s road, around its bends, I wend.


That intoxicated fool was but not me,

A shell of a person, lost at sea.

Like a phoenix from the ashes of my past,

I rise above, free at last.


In wisdom\'s garden, the former fool found pace,

Unmasked the fear, embraced a new face.

No longer a puppet to past\'s toxic wine,

I live, I learn, in the present, I\'m just fine.


Remembering the past, not with guilt or regret,

But as lessons learned, I\'ll never forget.

Once a fool, I may have been,

But now, a wiser soul, you\'ve seen.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf