
Prosperity Pronouncements

Tune: Penuel

(\'Come, O thou traveller unknown\')

Psalm 102 v.11-17 and v.25-28


My days are like passing shadow

Are short and brief, true this I know

The shadow declines, I am withered

Like grass, its glory sometime flowered

But you, O Lord, you shall endure e\'er

Your remembrance forgotten ne\'er


You shall arise, Zion pity

\'Tis the time to favour her, see

The set time come, Lord, you will act

Will fulfil your covenant pact

For your servants do take delight

In Zion\'s dust, her stones be bright


So shall the heathen your name fear

All peoples shall to you draw neat

When the Lord shall Zion upbuild

His glory then shall be revealed

He will regard prayer of the poor

They destitute, despair no more


Of old the Lord lad foundations

Of the earth, yes, of all nations

The heavens be work of His hands

And creation of all the lands

They shall perish, but you endure

Shall live and reign for evermore


The heavens and earth shall wax old

This be their state, it shall be told

That you shall fold them as garment

Shall change our clothes, our earthly tent

And so they shall be changed for you

Shall come, make all things again new


But you, Lord, are the same, no end

Of your years, to decay not tend

The children of your servants, they

Shall continue sure in your way

Their descendants be established

Content, your will they desired, wished