maria rk.

What Makes a Poet

i never called myself a poet,
until i was first told about the beauty of my work.
i never called myself a poet,
until my work became art.
i never called myself a poet,
until one night, i did.


the word ‘poet’ never resonated with me.
it always felt like a title too big,
like a responsibility too tasking to carry. 
i was never a poet, nor was my work poetry,


the more i sit in this cold, dark room.
the more i realize i was scared,
because i didn’t understand what it means to be.
what it means to be a poet,
what it means to become one.


for a while, my belief was as such;
that a poet became a poet as soon as their pen hit the virgin paper.
that a poet became a poet once the signed their name on their art.
it wasn’t until i became a poet that i understood it all.


that a poet is only a poet,
when their pen lets their raw feelings flow out like the river giza,
not the words that others will like to hear.
that a poet is only a poet,
if their poems will make the soldier weep,
just as much as it will make the little girl cheer.


as poetry is never understood by one alone
for a poet is not a poet,
until others can appreciate their art,
as much as they can appreciate it themselves.


a poet is a poet because they can be proud of what they are,
who they are,
and what their art is.
a poet is a poet because they can cheer
and share their art with the world,
and the world will cheer along with them.


- R.K.