maria rk.

My Prince(ss) Charming

i grew up dreaming of my prince charming.
a man that would come and swoop me away,
from all the horror and tragedy of the world.


i imagined he had blonde hair like the beast,
strength like shang,
the sly remarks of flynn rider,
or the hopeless romantic yearning of naveen.


yet, in my dreams, my prince charming never had short hair.
he never wore the classic suit and pants.
he never had a charming, deep voice,
or saved the day.


my prince charming wore red lipstick,
and had beautiful, golden locks.
no, my prince charming wore a silk, crimson dress,
and had a soft voice that could make the strongest men’s knees wobble in complete loss.


i can\'t remember when my prince charming,
became my princess charming.
when you became the center of my universe,
the only one i ever needed.


i once thought of a prince charming, the hero of my dreams.
a fantasy to escape reality, which haunted me.


but now my dreams come true, just not in the way it seemed.
for i found my princess, as unlikely as it might be.
the one with the glowing eyes, and an even brighter soul. 
she has taken my heart and changed my life’s course.


i used to yearn for a man, somehow who’d provide for the end of time,
but now i yearn for my love, the one that keeps me alive.
i never knew the joy she’d bring to my heart,
for it is she, my princess charming, who has made my world complete, stealing my heart.


- R.K.