
Happiness, Peace, Love and Care

Randomly drifting along the madding crowd,

focussing on life goals, thinking aloud,

thrown against the whirlwind of pressure,

Everyone looks for peace to reach a closure.


I tried to manage everything around me,

issued edicts, made people work like a bee.

Nothing worked so I meditated for help,

found peace within when I was peaceful myself.


What new is happening we all want to know,

pretending on Social media is a big-time show.

Been there, done that, a bucket list of wishes

never asked my heart about my real crushes.


Whether a trek beyond the high mountains

or skin diving in sparkling natural fountains,

or far across the horizon kissing cloud nine

or walking barefoot and breathing air so fine?


Rhythm is all living being’s natural feature,

affection touches the heart of every creature.

Vibrating joyfully in coherence with nature,

makes me forget myself, egistic fake stature.


In attractive smiles and slanting glances,

we drop our guards and take some chances.

In beautiful faces and warm embraces,

we look for love and find only scant traces.


True love that we are ever searching for

is hidden deep in our hearts and runs galore.

Tired of seeking, I shared some love around.

and happily found it reflecting back abound.


Things we keep seeking desperately in life,

cause long chases and unnecessary strife,

they originate within and rebound when we share,

so amazing are Happiness, Peace, Love and Care.