
Swipe Right for Madness: A Cautionary Tale

In a world of screens and pixels bright,

I found myself one fateful night,

Enraptured by a gadget small,

Its glow, a siren\'s beckoning call.


I swiped and tapped and liked with glee,

A digital voyage upon a cyber-sea,

Scrolling through the endless maze,

A daze of screens, a bright glass haze.


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram galore,

A little more time? Oh, just one minute more!

TikTok dances and Reddit threads,

No time for sleep, no time for beds!


Friends and family all did warn,

\"Put down the phone, it\'s nearly dawn!\"

But I laughed and scrolled and paid no heed,

For my phone was all that I did need.


A little closer to madness with each ringtone,

Bound and chained to my cellular phone,

Sanity lost in a digital sea,

Emoji smiles all mocking me.


In the end, a lesson learned,

My sanity nearly overturned,

A life online\'s not all it seems,

Time to wake up from this pixelated dream.


So heed my tale, you smartphone tinker,

Take a break; don\'t be a screen-time drinker,

For sanity\'s sake, put the phone away,

Or else you\'ll end up like me one day! 📱😜


© Susie Stiles-Wolf