David Wakeling

Lillian confronts her husband at 2 am.

“Well what have we here?
Have a look at what the cat dragged in,
Or should I say look at what the Pussy dragged in.

I tried, I really tried, to understand why.
 Why would you cheat on me.
I even blamed myself.
I thought maybe I have let myself go a little.
After 10 years I’m not as interesting as I once was.
My figure is not what it used to be.
A few extra pounds here and there.
What do you expect after having two baby girls.
But I am still the same person you promised,
You promised to love and honour in sickness and in health.
 So what should I do now I thought.
I agonised  over what to do.
I thought if he would cheat once he’ll do it again.
There is no point getting angry,
If you have so little regard for me as to lay
with another woman, then you are not worth my anger.
I don’t blame her. You probably lied to her like you
have been lying to me all these years.
Then it occurred to me.
Sleep. All I have to do is go to sleep. That’s the answer.
Then I thought, I’ll just wake up again and it will all be the same.
So I mixed a bottle of sleeping pills in the girl’s soup.
Both of them are sleeping the sleep of the dead.
If you call an ambulance you must just save them but I doubt it.
Oh yes I took two bottles of pills myself and have a bottle of vodka.
So I will be gone from this world in a matter for minutes.
But you need not worry about the three girls in your life.
You have a new girlfriend and I’m sure you’ll be happy forever.
So good night my love it is time for us to part.
I prefer the Light of Death to the Darkness of your heart.