
He saved me.

He saved me.

Like a light in the dark, he saved me.

Like a map in a maze, he saved me.

Right when I had really lost my spark.

Right when I decided I \"didn\'t need saving\"

He took my hand, and he saved me.

He makes me. Not breaks me.

He makes me smile, makes life worthwhile.

He makes me feel like I\'m the prettiest girl around. 

He makes me.

He makes me feel sound.

In his arms I lay, and everything goes away.

In his arms I lay, my heart no longer aches.

My shattered, hurt, sore heart too often breaks.

But not when I\'m with him.

With him, I\'m care free.

My anxiety, he calms, and my tears he wipes for me.

Like a deer caught in headlights, he blinded me.

With all his grace and charm, and my insecurities subside me.

In my bed I lay with a blade in my hand and the reaper at my door.

I sob the words, \"I can\'t do this anymore.\"

Then I hear a buzz.

The blade, I drop to the floor, and the reaper steps away from the door.

\"Let it be him,\" I beg, \"Please.\"

I give a sigh of relief, his name on my screen.

\"Hey baby :)\"

Oh, he will never know just how much those two words.

Saved me.