Muse Gong

Peripatetic Walk

Peripatetic Walk

By Muse Gong


The leisurely peripatetic walk quietly blows in the evening breeze,

and the leaves make a rustling sound.

The night slowly falls, and the lights of every house are on.

As soon as we go for a walk in the park, the people on the path gradually become scarce.


The coolness of late autumn, with a sudden warmth returning to cold. The birds have long returned to the forest, completely silent.

The surrounding contours are clear, with distant mountains, light and shadow, and flowing water shaping the surrounding time and space. Different colored lights give people a mysterious and strange imagination.

Starlight is flickering, and the long rhythm of the wind blowing leaves evokes people\'s imagination.


Walking quietly alone in this night, your heart is calm at this moment, you can think of anything, you can think of nothing.

You take a walk to relax.

He takes a walk for exercise.

I can walk and think quietly.


Year after year, day after day, people move every day.

The morning stroller ushered in a new day with hope.

The sunset walk ended the busy day with warmth.

Wondering in spring is full of vitality.

Hover in summer is full of enthusiasm.

Roam in autumn is full of harvest.

Lingering in winter is full of hope.


I eased my rhythm during the going on, and beathing relaxed.

My heart becomes calm and my mind becomes clear.

The scholars of Plato\'s Athenian Academy are known for their peripatetic walking school,

which meditates on the profound philosophy of walking,

pursues scientific truth during walking,

and sublimates the beauty of walking.

Peripatetic Walking year after year, day after day......