
The last halloween

Because of global warning 

ghost no longer come out

to trade the binge  tricking .

Pumpkin dreams , drowning street,

kings of sword are mad of this ,

in his box, Gaston the skeleton

strums melancholy  tones ...

You all know Belle amie the white lady

who only went out  in dark

 and rainy  weathers  ?

  now  she warmly

welcomes her clients  

beyond the  midnight station...

Nestor the faithful butler

served the Windsort royal family 

for six centuries and  some hangings,

he will soon celebrate 

a well deserved  retirement, 

migrants  squatted in the palace !

Harry has converted to pottery 

happy revenant to the country,

he\'d had enough of these scooter gremlins.

God ended his eternity after his defeat

against Bobby Fisher ,

his scepter abandoned to the spectres.

  Dear Death your Majesty ,

here are the news from above 

and horizontally.

In memory of the ultimate halloween celebration.

  Your  faithful ,

Adolf .H  . Artist painter in paradise .