Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Murky Waters

Murky waters have flown from East to West.

Humanity is endangered in Western spaces.


Murky waters have trembled from Jihadi spaces.

Life is endangered in Israeli spaces.


Long ago, murky waters were ponds and rivers.

Murky waters are seas and oceans now.


That is flowing into democratic bodies now.

Democratic bodies united with murky waters

Endangering Jewish lives now and forever


Murky waters, democratic waters, and knowledge waters flowed together.


Threatening the lives of the most peaceful Jewish ponds


Everywhere murky waters, everywhere democratic waters


Everywhere is masking their skin and ideology.

Enchanting their unity in body and mind


Everywhere impure minds, everywhere impure bodies

Everywhere Jihadi spaces, everywhere their democratic allies


Murky seas and oceans united with democratic waters

Eliminating peaceful ponds


Peaceful ponds are Jewish spaces.


Jewish ponds are isolated and blood-bathed in their own spaces


Democratic spaces united with murky waters

That floating the blood of Jesus Christ, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, and Hannah Ardent...


Dark waters deepened into democratic waters.

Democratic waters deepened into murky waters.

Both were united physically and mentally.

Eliminating the flag of Israel

Establishing the flag of Hamas