signed, X

Deep Cobwebs

Too deep, too deep, not enough air passing through

Blink it back to recover

That hole in his chest won\'t ever mind itself again

The damage is too great

His limbs are twisted out of sync

Can\'t move, can\'t breathe, too deep

So much red it sticks all over

He can\'t get it off no matter how hard he scrubs

Butterfly wings flow to the ground like ripped paper

Crawling like a snail, trying to get away as far as possible

But it\'s still there, the eyes that witnessed too much

Too deep, his body is not resting on clouds but on the concrete

Is this a dream, am I delusional

The fingers brush against something icky

Vile rises up from deep within

The horror of actions that kissed upon his brittle cheek

Even the water from above can\'t wash it away

Losing his mind in a spiral of nothingness

Tremble before me weakling

Look around this wasteland that you and others cause

Too deep, too deep, not enough air passing through

signed, X