Petrichor of Love

Those Tranquil Meadows....

Upon the verdant hills, I roam,
In Nature\'s grand and tranquil home,
Where every flower, and every tree,
Sings songs of love and liberty.

As the sun rises on high,
In azure realms of endless sky,
Bestows its warmth with gentle grace,
And paints the world with a soft embrace.

The flower swayed, in a vibrant, wild array,
Their colours brushed by nature\'s skilled display,
In golden hues and purples kissed by dawn,
A fragrant tapestry, a world reborn.

Beside that stream, my heart began to soar,
As if by nature\'s hand, I was implored,
To join the dance, the waltz of life\'s grand scheme,
To drift with clouds, to dream, to dare, to dream.

The hills, the dales, the meadows wide and free,
They whispered secrets only known to me,
A world of beauty, love, and endless grace,
In nature\'s arms, I found my rightful place.

Then besides a babbling brook, I rest,
Where waters whisper, nature\'s best,
And there, with a humble heart, I see
The exquisite beauty of eternity.

The meadows, dressed in robes of green,
With wildflowers, a colourful scene,
In harmony, they dance and play,
In this romantic, light of day.

The solitary cloud on high,
Like thoughts that drift through the open sky,
With purity, it floats along,
A dream of love, a soothing song.

As evening draws her curtain near,
And stars in splendour reappear,
The moon, a radiant, silver queen,
Awakens dreams, in every scene.

In Nature\'s arms, I find my peace,
Where all my cares and sorrows cease,
For here, where love and beauty meet,
My heart and soul find rest complete.