

It hurts

When you have the most supportive parents, yet you feel hollow from the inside


It hurts when you\'re tired beyond hell, yet can\'t find sleep at night.


It bloody hurts when you know you aren\'t giving your best ,

but no matter what you do, nothing works out for you


It hurts when you realise you miss those damn people and days,

you wished to eagerly say goodbye a year ago


It hurts when you realise, your want of moving on was the very reason that made you frozen in your past


It hurts when you realise, it\'s only your life that\'s backpedalling when everyone else is moving forward


Everything hurts, when you see everyone smiling on polaroids and gossiping about happy lives 

When your life is full of gray canvases and glassy eyes..


It hurts when you realise the Granger within you is dead now

And what remains beyond is the desolated, ruined and lost version of  Draco Mafoy.


It hurts when you  finally realise that all your life, you worked hard  to be ahead of the curve, yet the curve turned to a sphere.


And you\'re just spinning on that infinite sphere , like a lonely satellite, not really  knowing what to do with yourself or life!

It just bloody fucking hurts!

