
Eternal Endeavourings

Tune: Woodlands

(\'Tell out my soul\')

1 Corinthians 15 v.51-58


A mystery shown, we shall not all sleep

For God His gracious promises shall keep

We shall all be changed in a moment sure

Shall be changed in an instant evermore


For in twinkling of eye, a second split

The last trump shall sound, alters us each whit

That trumpet sound loud, victory proclaimed

Resurrection hope on God\'s people named


Then dead incorruptible shall be raised

They shall extol the Lord, He shall be praised

Corruptible, incorruption puts on

Jesus, victory o\'er death for us has won


This mortal immortality dons too

For God\'s word is that He makes all things new

When corruptible incorruption dons

We all changed full to God\'s daughters and sons


When mortal immortality puts on

Thens shall come to pass this saying, \'Tis done

Death is swallowed up in victory, Lord, you

Have overcome it, given us hope new


And, O death, where now is your sting so sharp?

O grave, where is your victory, your escarp?* (*escarpment)

\'Tis as a steep mount where we slip and fall

Yet rescued by Jesus, redemption all


For sting of death is sin, poison\'s ill-core

And strength of that sting of death, \'tis the law

But thanks now be to God, who through His Son

Our Lord Jesus Christ, victory He has won


Over sin, death, hell, grave, what does oppose

Now His love, salvation, to us o\'erflows

Continue immovable, steadfast, sure

Always abounding in the Lord\'s work pure


Your words, actions, fruit produced in His name

Never in Him are vain, eternal fame

They shall attain, for He who ever lives

Unto His servant grace and strength He gives