

In the abyss of sorrow, my heart does weep,
For my faithful companion, now laid to sleep.
No goodbyes to be spoken, no lies ever told,
Our bond unbreakable, a love that won\'t fold.

Oh, how I long for his unwavering gaze,
His eyes so pure, a sentiment that stays.
A dog he may be, but wisdom did shine,
In his presence, wasting time was but a sign.

Along the shore, we\'d wander, hand in paw,
In Maine\'s winter, where seabirds draw,
The sky with their flight, as my dog would dance,
Full of the sea\'s boundless electrifying trance.

Oh, how I envied his carefree delight,
As he sniffed and explored, his tail held upright.
In the face of the ocean\'s powerful spray,
My furry friend reveled in life\'s grand display.

Joyful, joyful, joyful, he would be,
A testament to how dogs are truly free.
Autonomous spirits, shamelessly bold,
Finding happiness, as only they behold.

Now my dear companion, no longer here,
Laid to rest, but in memory held dear.
With love and gratitude, his grave I\'ve made,
A final farewell, where his soul shall not fade.

No goodbyes are needed, for love remains true,
In this bond unbroken, forever we grew.
My loyal dog, our journey may have ceased,
But our love and loyalty, shall never be released. (\"Canoe\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.