

Struggle to trust the one once I loved

Struggling to see was kind long ago

Sharp blades crossed ripping away

The care love and passion as instant faith


How much more a body can hold

While crushing steps walk over your core

A weak wounded mind it’s just what’s left

Struggling heart hurt beyond repair


I struggled to think how bad we  decay

immense love for him now melting away

Ashes now scattered around the demise

Away took my breath, my pulse is in hide


I struggled believing those words

Filled with sorry for what’s done

Fake or real I can’t differ

Voiding feelings conquered pain


I need reassurance to soon heal

The struggle is real is hard to live

By my side I see him grow

I’m afraid what future holds


Who can tell me that I’ll be fine

Clear he is not assuring that

enchanted words I hear him say

Hopes to believe him I grasp in faith


Just one love I thought I had

He seamed  perfect by my side

Trust his words my deaf soul say

If I’ll be alive I’ll do it by then