

I wish I had the magical power to heal,

All those souls, who are now devoid of any feel,

Every soul that has forgot to even breathe,

And now is just merely existing ,

All while desperately attempting to be freed - 

from the shattering numbness,

the broken feeling of utter emptiness,

That has hugely affected the human race!


Although I don\'t have the power to heal within me,

Yet,I fiercely wish from every single fibre within me,

That every torn soul finds within themselves, 

The wish, urge and power, it takes within them

To get back to their feet again.


I really wish , these broken ones  find the broad daylight,

Where they can finally witness their  own glistening starlight

And screaming at the infinite blue, yell

That they have finally found their own selves again!


Hope every broken heart finds its healing.)


-primrose ...