
That Glorious Game.

Well the tournament is over,

Forty eight matches played

In the rugby world cup,

And I have seen every one,

Every one of them.

There were both good and poor,

Good and poor games

And I watched them all.

South Africa won,

They beat New Zealand in the final.

But it was so strange

That in the quarter final,

The semi-final,

And the final,

South Africa won them all,

Won them all by one point,

Showing how close the games were.

Looking back though

There was one match,

One match that was the best,

The best I have ever seen

In my long life watching rugby.

South Africa beat France,

Beat them in the quarter final,

Beat them twenty nine to twenty eight.

It was such a brilliant game

And may never be surpassed,

But maybe in another four years

When the tournament starts again

There may be a match,

A match as good as ,

Or better than,

Better than that glorious game.