
Prayer Practicals

Tune: St Hugh

(\'Lord, teach us how to pray aright\')

Matthew 6 v.5-15


Pray not you as the hypocrites

For they stand or they sit

On street corners or in temple

But vain their prayer, their call


For they have prayed for to be seen

Of men, so reward been

Given to them, they have no more

They true prayer do ignore


But when you pray, to your room go

And pray to Father, so

Closing your door, it be secret

Your reward comes not yet


But your Father He will reward

You openly, when heard

Your prayers, but vainly not repeat

Many words as great feat


For your Father He does know all

Before you on Him call

Yet invites us to bring our prayers

To Him, He in them shares


Pray, Our Father, which art in heaven

Creator of all men

hallowed be your name, your kingdom

Come, and your will be done


As in heaven, so be in earth

For \'tis the greater worth

Give us today our daily bread

You ensure we are fed


Forgive us our sins, as we do

Forgive others here true

Lead us not into temptation

Deliver each nation


Deliver us from all evil

So in you we not fall

For your the kingdom and power

And glory e\'er, each hour


For if you do forgive men here

Your heavenly Father near

Will also forgive you, so be

Living forgivingly