
For you love (RW)

You were the one that taught me love

Glowing clear  skin design by gods 

Profound eyes pupils of gold

Overwhelm my joy for you my love 


I do, I said, I promised, I vowed 

For you I gripped a broken glass 

With you my love I stand with proud 

For  you my love  I’ll swim with sharks 


For you my love mountains I crossed

Oceans and lakes feeling so small 

For you dear love pain will be tossed 

with you my side such strong rock wall 


Hard obstacles to overcome 

A wave of challenges walk by 

Fused like one our love becomes 

A winning force conquering life 


Your legs wrapping me in bed at night 

Your body heat warming my soul

Your snoring my perfect lullaby 

Your hands touching my body core


“Moro”  your nickname content I say

Jokes and laughs being who you are 

Unique phrases surround our days 

That’s why our love don’t need a guard 


For you love I’ll change some things 

body, temper, some crying  and laughs 

All the above mentioned except my being 

Changes are worth to have your back


For you my love faithful I’ll stay

My dreams with you are deep complete 

Your love I pledge always preserve 

I love you immensely my love is real